Dr. Joachim Jimie

“Entrepot Secondary School, like really?”, “what happened to SMC” were the continuous questions constantly ringing in my ears in 1996 when Common Entrance results revealed that I had succeeded to the Entrepot Secondary School. Of course, such statements raised doubts about really attending the aforementioned school, but today any time the opportunity is given to me to reminisce on my life, the paths which I so carefully and courageously trod on my journey to being whom I am today, I have no other choice but to think back of my pilgrimage at the Entrepot Secondary School. Though school days are one of the happiest eras of my life if was inevitably marked by some rough, strait and rugged periods. However, because of the constant reminders by my teachers of not settling for the path of least resistance every step was taken with precision as I worked laboriously to attain my dream. Often times, I have heard that God sends angels in the form of humans to our aid in times of need. It is now indubitably conspicuous that my teachers at the school filled in these roles guiding me along the way and providing much needed assistance. I was constantly reminded that everything valuable in life is worth a fighting chance and that giving up makes me a loser.
Not only did the school cater to my academic wellbeing, but also to my holistic development. Students were fervently encouraged to participate in the many extracurricular activities made available at the school. Through these co-curricular activities, leadership skills, strong will, discipline and other life skills were nurtured. These qualities were so appreciated that on completing my A levels, amidst many job offers I decided to return to the Entrepot Secondary School to continue imparting my learnt skills and qualities as a member of staff to the students at the school. Even in such capacity I never ceased to seize all what was offered to me in helping attain my dream of becoming a doctor. The institution cultured me in such a way that I am able to survive and adapt in any given environment. Though there are many other factors which contributed to who I am today, credit must be given to the Entrepot Secondary School for their commendable impact on my life.